Reel-to-Reel TapeThe Mission:

Save the historic audio of the United Methodist Church by digitizing it.

Make the audio history available for all to hear, now and in the future.

United Methodist Seminaries, Annual Conferences, Archives, Libraries, Historical Societies, and General Agencies:

Have you already digitized your historical audio programs?  Send us digital copies and the metadata to have them preserved at The United Methodist General Commission on Archives and History, and added, if allowed, to There is NO COST and NO LIMIT for this service.  See the Details

Do you still have significant historical programs stored on audiotape on your shelves?  Choose 2 of your most important programs and send them to us to digitize at no cost. Additional tapes will be digitized at $35 each as a special price to get it done during 2024!  See the Details

Compact Cassette Tape We digitize historic audio programs you hold on audio tape that need to be preserved. We process reel-to-reel, compact cassette, mini-cassette, and DAT tapes. When you send us your programs on audio tape:

  1. We examine your tapes to be sure they are in condition to be played. Most are good, some are repairable. Remember: tapes can deteriorate too much and the programs will be lost forever.  What can destroy audio tapes?
  2. We digitize your tapes on high-quality playback machines and create WAV digital audio files.
  3. After saving the original digital files, we process the audio for best listening quality, and also save those WAV digital files.
  4. We create and save MP3 digital audio files that can be used online.
  5. If appropriate and allowed, we add the audio programs to the online collection at
  6. USB Thumb DriveWe return your tapes and all files to you on a USB thumb drive or a portable hard drive.
  7. We provide the files to the United Methodist General Council on Archives and History for preservation.

In the past 18 years, we have digitized more than 1,000 audio programs important to the history of the United Methodist Church.


Sample Digitized Program
This is a randomly-chosen example of a Methodist or United Methodist-related program we digitized.

Title: Man with the Mike, Program 177
Recording Date: May 1966
Recorded at: Portland, Oregon
Speaker(s): Paul Metzgar, Eric Robinson (host)
Length: 4:36